Cystic Fibrosis and Parental Mental Health
This Spanish-language video for UCSF Cystic Fibrosis Center was created for parents and caregivers to encourage them to care for their mental health. The interviewee is an activist and mother who shares wisdom born of experience about the importance of self-care and the additional hope and joy it brings to everyone in the family, especially in difficult times.
Este video en español para el Centro de Fibrosis Quística de UCSF fue creado para padres y cuidadores para alentarlos a cuidar su salud mental. La entrevistada es una activista y madre que compare una sabiduría nacida de la experiencia sobre la importancia del cuidado personal y la esperanza y alegría adicionales que brinda a todos los miembros de la familia, en particular en los tiempos difíciles.
Here’s a Community Healthcare Video
we created for a Community Nonprofit in Chile